Rich Terdoslavich

Rich Terdoslavich was born in Queens, NY. Rich discovered at an early age that he had the ability to draw, and that he had an affinity for the effective power and exposure of comics. Rich was accepted to the High School of Art and Design in 1984, where he studied illustration under the tutelage of former Fawcett Comics’ Golden Age artist, Richard Taylor. Graduating in 1988,with an Illustration degree and Honor Society Awards, he then furthered his education at Bard College. One of Rich’s first freelance jobs while at Bard in 1989, was drawing illustrations for Station Hill Press.
After graduating from Bard College in 1992 with a Bachelor’s in Fine Arts, Rich did a variety of freelance art jobs while attending the School of Visual Arts (SVA). At SVA, Rich was fortunate enough to study cartooning under the legendary EC Comics and DC Comics’ Creative Director, Joe Orlando.

Rich began networking at various comic-book conventions, while simultaneously being hired for various projects for marketing, publishing and film clients such as Edge NY, Dorset House Publishing, KBA Marketing Agency, Starry Night Productions, New York Press, and the Comicbook Artists Guild (CAG). While Rich continued doing freelance assignments for a variety of projects for KASO Comics, Bernard Hodes Group and Merlion Film Entertainment, he then became an instructor in the New York City Education System teaching art and technical skills. Rich has taught comic book and cartooning workshops and classes for a number of after-school programs.

He has continued this instruction working for various sites such as the Educational Alliance, and the Children’s Aid Society. Rich collaborated with the Comic Book Project at the Harlem Educational Activities Fund (HEAF), as a teacher in the summer cartoon program for junior high students. During his seven years of teaching, he met Alex Simmons, a writer for DC Comics, Archie Comics and also an after-school instructor. It was Simmons, who recommended Rich to teach at the Children’s Art Carnival and Bronx Community College for such educational programs as Outward Bound and Liberty.

During this time, Rich was contacted by Mark Mazz — then Senior VP-Creative Director and editor of Guild Works Productions — and was hired to illustrate an eight-page story, entitled “Fair Exchange” which was published in Psychosis! #3. This relationship continues today with another eight-page story, “Compulsion” published by new independent publisher, Atlas Unleashed. Rich has finished a project with Madoff Productions and is teaching for the Harlem Children’s Zone. Rich continues to look forward to new ventures, and creating more stories of imagination and suspense.

Date of Birth: January 20th
Birthplace: Queens, NY

Facebook: Rich Terdoslavich

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