Lift the weight of the World... Atlas Unleashed!

Storytellers of the 21st Century


Atlas Unleashed was formed in the depths of the global recession during the winter of 2008-2009. It’s members consist of forward-thinking storytellers with a vision to tell stories of meaning regardless of format or technical medium.

The current creative players on stage include Nathan Baker, Shawnti Therrien, Robert J. Sodaro, James Webb, mark mazz, and Acevedo-Marzan. Atlas Unleashed includes outstanding associate talents in it’s pursuit of the finest storytellers of the 21st century.

In an industry filled with corporate content controlled by administrators who are not storytellers, we stand apart from them by virtue of content with meaning and value. The lasting goal of our work is to inform, to educate and to reveal consequences through a visual narrative. We believe these goals are self-evident, that stories with strong themes are worth our audience’s attention. It is the unity of Story which binds us together as a community, as people.

Some have asked, “Why not do this through the Corporate Two?”
The answer is simple. They are no longer interested in Story, they are interested in events, excessive purchases, exploitation of their audience and are now an empty hollow shell of their former selves. The Corporate Two are just that… non-individuals with no opinions, no consequences, no flavor beyond flimsy tissue soaked in colorful bilge water. There are occasions where they attempt more, and the corporate entities smite the creative talents for striving for more. How can this be an industry which entertains our youth? That my friends, is why we stand apart!

innovation, inspiration…lift the weight of the world! Atlas Unleashed!

Interested in joining our creative revolution?

Send us some correspondence, or contact us at a local event. We’d love to meet you and discuss new ideas and innovations!

Atlas Unleashed founders photo








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